Titanic by Stargazer

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by Li'l Ballerina

Monday April 15th 1912 
1:55 am
RMS Titanic 
The First class Smoking room 

To whoever may find this:

I write this letter from the RMS Titanic. It was after midnight when I received some very horrible news from Mr. Thomas Andrews. The Titanic hit an iceberg and would sink in an hour or two. 

First let me introduce myself. I am Maybell Lynn St. Clair Andrews. I am 18 years old. Mr. Andrews is my father. I was traveling in 1st class in one of the two private parlor rooms. Father was up almost all night on the bridge talking to Captain Smith and other officers. 

If any members of my family find this, I want to say this. To my mother, I want you to have my accumulation of fine jewelry that I have collected over the years. To my dear little two-week-old niece Katherine, I want you to have my accumulation of dolls when you are old enough to have them. To my best friend Arabella, I want you to have all my photo albums, all my books, and all my empty journals. To my wonderful grandparents in Maine, I want you to have my one black and gold Bible, (the other one is here with me) and my jeweled cross on my wall in my room. To my wonderful grandparents in Scotland, I want you to have my jeweled Celtic cross. To my wonderful sister Maya, I want you to have all the memories that we shared when we were growing up on our manion grounds in the rolling hills of Scotland.

Momma, if you find this, the way I want Pappa and I to be remembered is by a small stone cross with an inscription on it under our favorite weeping willow in the back yard with a small bench under it as well as at our houses in Maine and Scotland. 

Papa and I were traveling on the Titanic because we had been living in Scotland for about 6 years with my mother, my sister and her husband and my sister's two-week-old daughter. My sister married a Scotsman about two years ago and had my baby niece, Katherine, two weeks before we left. My mother stayed behind to help Maya with baby Katherine. We traveled between Scotland and Ireland to oversee the construction of Titanic. My sister and her family, plus Momma, decided to stay in Scotland because they did not want to go on the Titanic. Also, my mother's side of the family lives in Maine while my father's side of the family lives in Scotland. 

Before we left for England, my sister told me that she had another vision that was of tonight. Oh Maya , we were right. We all saw this coming regarding tonight. 

Father has been the best here and he has shown me around a lot. We attended social events in the evenings. I have become very good friends with Madeline. She is Madeline Astor, wife to John Jacob Astor. She and I have become good friends, and we sometimes walked along our private promenade. She is five years older than I am, and she is excepting her first child in about 7 months. But I really hope that she makes it off here tonight, and I have no clue if JJ has gotten off. I have made friends also with Molly Brown. She and I would often take afternoon walks along the outdoor promenade before dinner. We would have in-depth conversations about some of our common interests. 

Pappa and I have really bonded during this trip as well as a very keen interest for drawing and writing. 

Today at services we sang, "For those in Peril on the Sea". Now, I thought that things were getting very strange. I am very superstitious and Pappa knows that very well. At dinner, I was getting exceptionally uneasy and Pappa saw this. He took me back to our room and asked me softly what was wrong. I didn't say anything because I was so shaken up. He asked me if I had had another vision again and I nodded. I told him what the vision was and he nodded gravely, believing every word I said. See Momma, Papa, Maya and I get visions regularly, and sometimes the visions can be very scary. 

If you do find this Momma, tell everyone else that we love them very much and when we're gone, we will watch over you, the family, and everyone else. 

Well Momma, Pappa and I are going down with the ship. Pappa is so heartbroken about seeing the ship go down. He worked so hard for this dream to become real. Now it's almost gone. I am writing this from the first class smoking room siting with Pappa. I am sitting in one of the plush chairs with a blanket wrapped around me because it has gotten so cold.

Right now Pappa is in front of the fireplace, just staring into the flames. He just turned around and is looking at me with tears in his eyes. Oh, Momma, he is so heartbroken. I wish so much that you were here with us to say goodbye to you in person. He and I have been up all night. We have had a lot on our minds. Me, with all these visions I have been getting since the first day of the trip and him being up all night with the ship slowly sinking after hitting the iceberg. Momma, I have been so uneasy ever since the boat was under construction. Also after reading the book Titian that was published and telling a story like Titanic and about the demise of the Titanic into Atlantic.

Momma, this is about the end now. The Titanic is nearly vertical now. I just had another vision; you will find this letter and what I've enclosed in this bottle. I have enclosed my one locket, my letter, and a lock of my hair that I cut when we had started this trip. I really do hope that you find this.

- Momma, this is goodbye forever now. Pappa and I love you dearly and we will always be watching over you and everyone in Maine and Scotland, always from our house in heaven. 

Maybell Lynn St. Clair Andrews
Monday, April 15th 1912, RMS Titanic
1st Class smoking room
2:04 am

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