Voices in the Sky by Mpala

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Voices in the Sky

by Kim aka Mpala

Just a little something written in honor of Gray and my sisters at the Cat’s Eye site. Many thanks to K for agreeing to beta this and to Iris for sharing her vast scientific knowledge.

Disclaimer: Lyrics and the title are borrowed from "Voices in the Sky" by The Moody Blues. The boys are from that little show owned by Pet Fly, Paramount, and others. No copyright infringement intended.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: A small reference to Murder 101
Rating: G

Bluebird, flying high
Tell me what you sing
If you could talk to me
What news would you bring
Of voices in the sky

He walked along the shoreline. The salty sea breeze tousled his long hair about his face, yet he made no move to brush it away. His thoughts were so intense he did not notice the lone figure watching him from the distance. He finally stopped and looked towards the horizon of the ocean before him. After a few minutes, he lowered himself to the sand, bringing his legs up, leaning his elbows on his knees and propping his chin in his hands. His gaze never left the sea.

When the young guide came to a stop in his walk, the sentinel was instantly on alert. As soon as the kid sat down, Jim began making his way over to him. He unconsciously monitored Blair's heart rate and breathing as he approached. Once satisfied that all was well, he slowed his pace and waited for an invitation to sit beside his friend. He didn't wait long. Blair looked over at Jim with a small lopsided grin and patted the ground next to him, "Pull up some sand and take a load off. I see you had no trouble finding me."

"Chief, I AM a sentinel AND a detective. If I can't find YOU, we're both in trouble," Jim replied as he sat on the sun dried sand and removed his shoes and socks.

There was a slight chuckle and Blair's chin returned to his hands.

"Is something wrong, buddy? I thought you were going out tonight. Plans change?"

Sandburg's gaze remained locked on the sea. "No. I just wasn't in the mood for another lecture on the sociological effects of relocation upon the former inhabitants of the Bikini Atoll. I guess I've just got some things on my mind that made it hard to concentrate."

"Can’t concentrate on *the former inhabitants of the Bikini Atoll*? Now I am worried." Jim reached over and placed a sandy palm on Blair's forehead with exaggerated concern. Blair swatted his hand away and glared at him as Jim snickered and used the back of his fingers to brush the loose sand from his guide's face. Companionable silence resumed as both men returned to their watch of the crashing waves.

The next words from the sentinel were quietly spoken. "I followed you here because you seemed a little out of it when you left the loft. After everything going on with Ventriss and the university and all... well, I... I guess I was checking in with you. I probably shouldn't have intruded, but I just needed to touch base. We haven't talked much in the last few days and I don't want to repeat past mistakes."

There was no answer but soon the sentinel felt Blair shift his weight and lean affectionately into his side. Finally, after several minutes, Sandburg spoke softly, "I sometimes forget, you know. I get so wrapped up in the scientist mode that I forget."

"Forget what, buddy?"

"How amazing all this is. How incredible the whole thing should be to witness."

"Uh huh, yep, you've done it."

Dark blue eyes blinked. "Done what?"

"Lost me. Totally lost. I don't have a clue what you're talking about, Chief."

"Oh. Sorry. Umm... it's like this, man, sometimes I forget how *special* you are. I mean as a totally unique person, Jim. Forget the science and the tests and all that. Just knowing you makes me think differently about stuff. Like coming out here, for instance. I can only hear and see what's right before me. But you, you can probably see where those seagulls are going above that rise. You can use your sense of hearing and know what life is lurking around nearby. You don't need a sonar, man. You could see ships so far away they look like specks on the horizon to me. I bet you can focus on that big boat out there and tell me what those people are doing... what they can see, what they are talking about." Blair sighed and sat quietly once again.

Jim relaxed beside Sandburg and thought about his friend's words. If he was perfectly honest, he would have to admit that there were many times he took his own gift for granted or even cursed it. It took time with his guide, quiet times like this, to help center him and keep his sentinel head on straight. As if to prove to himself his guide's instincts were right, he threw open his senses and absorbed everything he could from the moment.

Just what is happening to me
I lie awake with the sound of the sea
Calling to me

The waves crashed on the shore nearby and he could hear individual shells grinding the sand as they were swept further inland. The spray of the water had the effect of crystals, droplets acting as individual prisms creating scores of miniature rainbows. Sea birds spoke to one another of the mysteries only they could know. Further out in the depths of the ocean, he could hear the sounds of the larger animals. Gigantic fish darted and splashed as they continued the ages old roles of predator and prey. The boat on the horizon which his best friend had pointed out had children aboard. Their happy voices drifted over him and if he cared to do so he could distinguish the words and the songs that swirled around them. Suddenly, he was a part of it all and the call of the sea itself threatened to overwhelm him.....sent him searching, searching, until he found it. The cadence which forever grounded him and brought him back. His guide's heartbeat thrummed reassuringly in his ears as he drew in a breath and retreated back into himself.

"So, what are they talking about?" Blair leaned even further into his sentinel and whispered conspiratorially.


"The people on the boat, man. What are they saying? Don't you ever want to know *what* regular people like that are up to, where they're from, who they *are*?"

"No, Chief. I don't. That's why *I'M* the sentinel and *YOU'RE* the anthropologist." With his reply, he suddenly shifted his weight and watched with great amusement as his guide flopped over into the sand. In one graceful move, Jim was on his feet, grabbing his shoes and sprinting toward their vehicles. Behind him, he could hear the muffled laughter and muttered expletives of his brother as he took up the chase.

Voices in the Sky by Justin Hayward

Bluebird, flying high
Tell me what you sing
If you could talk to me
What news would you bring
Of voices in the sky

Nightingale, hovering high
Harmonize the wind
Darkness, your symphony
I can hear you sing
Of voices in the sky

Just what is happening to me
I lie awake with the sound of the sea
Calling to me

Old man, passing by
Tell me what you sing
Though your voice be faint
I am listening
Voices in the sky

Children with a skipping rope
Tell me what you sing
Play time is nearly gone
The bell's about to ring
Voices in the sky

Just what is happening to me
I lie awake with the sound of the sea
Calling to me

Bluebird, flying high
Tell me what you sing
If you could talk to me
What news would you bring
Of voices in the sky
Voices in the sky
Voices in the sky
Voices in the sky

The End

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